3 ways gamification keeps employees engaged and motivated

If you don’t like what you’re doing, it’s hard to stay involved. In fact, 83% of employees who receive game-based training are more motivated at work.

All work and no play can get the job done… a bit boring. We know that’s not the most tactful way to put it (or even the most accurate way to put it), but it’s true. To increase the fun you need the gamification. Between fitness apps, loyalty programs, and social media, we’ve come to love game-based experiences. It’s time to put them to work.

Its platforms gamification they use elements and principles of the game, such as scoring, competing with others, respecting the rules, and recognizing through prizes. There gamificationaccording to Gabe Zichermann, its co-author “Gamification by Design”, “It’s 75% psychology and 25% technology” and it plays (pardon the pun) on the impulses that drive us to compete, advance and improve.

These same principles can be applied to a non-game context such as work.

Gamification can increase business productivity by up to 50% and employee engagement by 60%, while 72% of people believe gamification makes them work harder.”

Because game-based platforms tap into these motivations, we’re more likely to become and stay engaged. In fact, studies show it 83% of employees who undergo game-based training are more motivated at work.

Gamification = Fun = Engagement = Productivity

There gamification it’s a source of entertainment and keeps us engaged, but it can Really does it make us more productive? The numbers don’t lie. There gamification can increase business productivity by up to 50% and employee engagement by 60%while 72% of people believe that the gamification it pushes them to work harder.

There gamification it is one of the top 10 essentials in any learning experience. Making content entertaining and engaging is the first step to improving business results. You have to change your mindset before you can change your behavior.

Making content entertaining and engaging is the first step to improving business results. You have to change your mindset before you can change your behavior.”

Our Trailhead platform is a great example gamification and represented the factor to… change games. Millions of people around the world and from all backgrounds love learning at Trailhead and are almost as eager to earn points and badges as they are to learn skills to put on their CV.


All effective game-based platforms have common elements that keep us coming back to learn more. Here they are described three ways in which the gamification keeps us all involved:

1. Real-time feedback helps solve the performance puzzle

In the workplace, immediate recognition for good work is valuable. Employees need confirmation that the work they are doing is important. They also want to know their progress and what skills and knowledge they need to focus on right now.

Feedback (especially constructive feedback) is an important part of learningsince it allows us to fix concepts.

Unfortunately, some employees have no idea of ​​their performance against goals until they are reviewed. However, when the scheduled time comes to review their performance, the goals may have become irrelevant. This is the advantage of game-based platforms. Employees work to achieve meaningful and measurable goals (points, badges, levels, leaderboards, etc.) and get real-time rewards for achieving them.

Even the smallest reward we receive for our efforts is an impetus to work better, if not work to the best of our ability. Trailhead offers real-time feedback as participants take multiple-choice unit quizzes or complete practice challenges in a Salesforce organization (known as Trailhead Playground). Upon completion, participants instantly earn points and badges as confetti falls on the screen (yes, that’s right).

2. Transparency levels the playing field

Employees not only want to know their performance level in real time, but they also want to know exactly where they stand compared to their peersas well as who is rewarded and how. If employees suspect that performance reviews are being conducted behind the closed door of a manager’s office, they feel that their successes are not being recognized or fear that their colleagues are receiving preferential treatment, and they are less motivated to deliver improved work.

Favoritism is never fun and is a real commitment drain. With features like leaderboards and personal profiles that show a participant’s achievements and rewards (we’re looking at you again with the Trailblazer.me profile, Trailhead), game-based platforms allow everyone to see exactly where they are and what they need to do or learn to receive recognition. This creates a level of healthy competition that pushes employees to improve their performance.

The iconic black Trailblazer hoodie is now the workwear of choice. It is a matter of pride, declaring: “I am constantly learning and improving.”

Healthy competition encourages greater participation. At Salesforce, our internal Ranger Recognition program offers gadgets to employees as they reach Ranger level and above. The iconic black Trailblazer hoodie is now the workwear of choice. It is an object of pride, which states: “I am constantly committed to learning and improving.”

In fact, the number of Salesforce employees who completed the internal Trailhead Ranger program each month tripled between 2019 and 2021. To date, more than 21,000 employees have achieved the top spot.

This transparency is also an advantage for administrators. Many of their subordinates work from remote offices and hence their work habits are not observed on a daily basis. With game-based platforms, managers (and their expectations) are not “out of sight, out of mind,” but rather have a great way to track employee performance and reward them. Their digital presence is a constant reminder to subordinates that their work is worthwhile, wherever they do it.

The culture of sharing that often accompanies these platforms further enhances transparencyas employees are encouraged to take advice from colleagues and celebrate newly earned badges.

3. Experiences that are fun and familiar to promote consumption

In fact, several generations of today’s workers grew up playing video games. So, incorporate it gamification in the workplace is a natural progression. There gamification, like social media, is familiar and intuitive to a widely connected workforce. The application of gamification at work, including learning and skill development, can go a long way in promoting the consumption of content that can help employees succeed.

Now more than ever, people need access to reskilling and career communities, regardless of where they live and their background. Companies face a huge gap between the demand for digital skills and the supply of workers who possess them. Employees must learn new skills, acquire business knowledge and adapt to customer needs at breakneck speeds.

Game-based platforms create a stable learning environment, which promotes transformation and it allows employees to always catch up and stay ahead of technology and constantly evolving products. At Trailhead, we regularly publish new and updated content, including every Salesforce product release, so attendees don’t have to worry about wasting valuable time with outdated information.

Motivate with challenges and rewards and increase motivation

A variety of goals (including monthly prize competitions and unique challenges based on specific topics or learning paths) are available for it will help you stay motivated and get the most out of your learning journey.

While we believe that learning is a reward in itself, there is always room for some extra motivation. That’s why Trailhead has upped the game with Trailhead Quests, which combine the challenge of learning new skills with the chance to earn rewards like community badges, gift cards, Salesforce certification coupons, and more.

In short: gamification is effective. And Salesforce has known this for a long time. Access Trailhead, Salesforce’s free online learning platform, and discover how you can provide your employees with learning, competition, and fun.

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