4 essential books on using stories as a leadership tool

In a modern vision, keeping pace with the current era, with their spirit and needs, Being compassionate and enlightened leaders also means mastering the art of storytellinga strategic communication key to reaching our audience – in the case of a leader, team members, for example – building their loyalty and getting them involved.

Becoming a leader is no longer just about wielding power or beating the competition. The modern leader is enough the spokesperson for his team’s valuesthe personification of common goals and the one who knows how to guide processes and decisions without oppressing others.

In the past, they also believed that leadership skills were innate and that there was only one model, domineering and authoritarian: you were either born a leader or you weren’t at all. However, the reality may be different: Becoming a leader is an ongoing process.And this applies both to the situational leadership model, which suggests that leaders adapt to the challenges they face and to the resources available, and to the perspective of transformational leadership, in which the leader is the one who knows how to inspire the team’s progress towards achieving goals.

Leadership and storytelling are closely related and they can interact in many meaningful ways. A successful leader must be able to communicate his vision, values ​​and goals in a clear and inspiring way. Storytelling is a powerful tool for conveying these concepts in an engaging and memorable way. By telling stories that reflect the organization’s mission and culture, a leader can inspire and motivate his or her team.

Stories have the power to create emotional connections with others. A leader who uses storytelling can inspire empathy and understanding about the challenges the team faces or the opportunities that arise. This helps create a sense of unity and solidarity within the group.

Stories of success, resilience or overcoming adversity they can be a source of inspiration for those who listen to them. A leader who shares past success stories or stories of how he faced and overcame personal challenges can motivate his team to achieve ambitious goals.

Change is often an inevitable part of leadership. A leader who wants to guide his team through positive change can use storytelling to give a clear picture of why the change is necessary, what benefits it will bring, and how it will be implemented.

Stories help create and spread an organization’s culture, can be used to define core values, portray desired behaviors, and convey company culture to new team members. Also remember, in general, that when someone uses stories to convey a message, those who listen tend to remember better and feel more involved.Two important aspects to maintain the team’s attention and focus on common goals and values.

Becoming a leader and learning to be a good storyteller requires learning from those who already are and knowing yourself deeply to develop key skills. The experts at 4 books have selected four key books on these topics for you, interpreting them in many different ways, to provide you with many ideas, suggestions and practical tools.

Sell ​​with a story

Speaker Paul Smith, who has interviewed many entrepreneurs and managers and collected more than two thousand testimonies for analysis and study, offers you a practical manual divided into two parts. The first section explains the concept of storytelling and its importance in the corporate and commercial sector, while the second part explains the processes and main elements that contribute to the creation of a “selling story”, a good story capable of selling. , are described. Something a true leader must learn to improve his relationships with the team.

Sell ​​with a Story 4books EN

The right story

Why do some brilliant ideas fail while other less brilliant ones succeed? Bernadette Jiwa says the reason lies in the stories: a well-told story, presented in the right ways, at the right time and to the right audience, can really make a difference. Stories can be the driving force for change. The expert delves into how our minds react to narratives and focuses on the relationship dynamics between stories and the transformations they can cause when they engage people, building trust and motivating them to act.

The Right Story 4books EN

The art of winning

What entrepreneur and philanthropist Phil Knight says in this book, and how he does it, can inspire you too. Good ol’ Phil had just graduated when he decided to pursue a “crazy project” and set up a company with others importing cheap but great quality sneakers from Japan. No one believed it except Knight. But time and business have proven him right. And today this small company has become a giant, Nike, one of the main brands today.

The art of winning 4 books EN

7L, The seven levels of communication

Michael J. Maher proposes a new way of doing business, based on interpersonal relationships in which the relationship between leadership and storytelling really matters. The author tells a fictional story centered around Rick, a real estate agent in crisis. Through the teachings of the mentor he relies on, Rick manages to make his business flourish again, leading it to unexpected success. You will find concepts such as the communication pyramid and the trust triangle, the technique of connecting with links and narrative developments that can be of great help to you.

7L, The Seven Levels of Communication 4books EN

These 4 books have shown you how important it is for a leader to know how to communicate well with your team and make them feel included and involved by taking advantage of a leverage like storytelling. Leading a team or organization nowadays also entails having these skills and putting them to good use in everyday life.

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