48 hours in Strasbourg

The first thing you think about when you start your 48 hours Strasbourg, the jewel of the Alsace region in the north-east of France, this is exactly how the places in the stories we were read as children must look like. Its unique architecture, the countless bridges that cross the river, the swans that sail above it and countless other details that beautify it, give life to a city with a charm that few can boast.

Situated on the Franco-German border, Strasbourg has also been the scene of numerous conflicts throughout history and its facades tangibly reflect this turbulent legacy. From the imposing Notre-Dame Cathedralwith its striking Gothic details, at lovely houses in pastel colors bordered by the river Ill, every corner of Strasbourg has something to say.

From the delicious dishes of Alsatian gastronomy to its rich wine tradition, passing through its famous Christmas market, whoever visits it will find a feast for the senses in every corner. Read on to discover all that this city has to offer and how to get the juice out of it. We spent 48 hours in Strasbourg!

Strasbourg is a fairytale city.

Louis Charron / Unsplash


There is no better place to start this journey than in the heart of the city. The Grande Ile(Big Island in Spanish), is the historical and geographical center of Strasbourg and has been recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988.

But before entering this place where the clock seems to have stopped in different periods of time, we recommend that you get to know even a glimpse of its history. With this goal in mind, we recommend visit the Museum of Alsace and the Historical Museum of the city of Strasbourgthe latter, founded in 1920 in an old butcher’s shop built in 1587-1588, covers the history of the city from the Middle Ages to the creation of European institutions through a historical and playful adventure.

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