5 Books to Understand How Stories Influence Public Decisions

The science of marketing has undergone a radical transformation in recent years and thanks to its emerging field neuromarketing, which combines psychology, neuroscience and marketing. This field is based on the idea that understanding how the human brain works can help better understand and influence consumer purchasing decisions.

While traditional marketing is based on the assumption that consumers make rational decisions, Neuromarketing takes into account the fact that our brain is influenced by emotions and the unconscious, which drives many of our options, including shopping. This knowledge is used to create more effective marketing messages, study consumer reactions, and improve understanding of decision-making dynamics.

Neuromarketing uses several techniques, including the anchoring effect, which is based on people’s tendency to base their decisions on the first information they receive, and the principle of scarcity, which exploits our psychological response to constraint to make a product more desirable.

Let’s understand each other. This is not about manipulating consumers, but about understand how the human mind works to create engaging and satisfying experiences. Neuromarketing is an ever-evolving field and continuing education is essential.

The relationship with the narrative is very close, as both rely on understanding human behavior and emotions to positively influence target audiences. Neuromarketing relies on in-depth knowledge of psychology and neuroscience to understand how consumers’ brains process information and make decisions. Storytelling leverages that same knowledge to create compelling narratives that capture attention and evoke emotion in readers or consumers.

Both aim to engage the audience emotionally. Neuromarketing uses techniques to evoke emotions that can positively influence purchasing decisions. Storytelling, on the other hand, relies on the power of stories to create emotional connections with audiences and make information memorable. The former also helps companies understand how to present their brands in a way that appeals to the human brain. The second uses this information to create brand narratives that connect to consumers’ emotions and values.

In both cases we are trying to convince the public. Neuromarketing provides data and insights into mind-based persuasion, while storytelling uses this information to create persuasive stories that guide audiences toward a desired action, such as buying a product or supporting a cause. Neuromarketing also studies what makes information memorable and shareable. Stories are often easily shared between people, and storytelling relies on these characteristics to spread messages and create awareness.

Here are five books chosen for you by our experts to show you how Neuromarketing provides the scientific and cognitive basis for understanding how the consumer mind works. And how that knowledge can be used, through storytelling, to create persuasive and engaging narratives that positively influence consumer perceptions and decisions.


How many times a day do you look at your phone? For most of us, this frequency exceeds one hundred. Nir Eyal shows you how big tech companies are able to develop apps and devices capable of influencing our behavior to the point of turning these interactions into real habits. Understanding this pattern can help not only to create products that users will adopt regularly, but also to recognize these behaviors in ourselves, helping to break habits that can become harmful.

Hooked 4books EN

The weapons of persuasion

In an increasingly complex and stimulating world, our brains are forced to find quick ways to make decisions. However, these knee-jerk reactions put us at risk. “Too often when making decisions we don’t use all available data, but only a single and highly representative element,” comments Robert Cialdini. He is the author of this helpful guide to identifying common conditioning and persuasion mechanisms. This helps you avoid pitfalls and, why not, learn how to gain an advantage in persuasion situations.

The weapons of persuasion 4 books EN

Invisible influence

Jonah Berger explores an important topic, namely the concept of influences, both conscious and unconscious, that each of us exerts and experiences. This phenomenon manifests itself in various aspects of life, such as the way we communicate, dress, and even purchasing decisions. Understanding the power of these influences allows us to better navigate the world and society. The author argues that the term “influence” does not necessarily have to have a negative connotation, but can be used in a positive way to improve our daily lives, solve problems and live consciously.

Invisible Influence 4 EN books

The Choice Factory

Richard Shotton examines our behavior, driven by psychological shortcuts (bias) and explains how companies can strategically adapt their products and communications to these biases, thus gaining a significant advantage over the competition. His playbook invites you to stop focusing only on what consumers say and start noticing what they do as well. You will explore the world of advertising and the biases that influence people’s decisions to buy one product over another.

The Choice Factory 4 books


Rory Sutherland introduces a relatively new area of ​​economics: the study of human behavior that defies logical explanation. Through the analysis of successful products or advertising campaigns, the psychological and evolutionary reasons, along with the contexts, that influence human behavior are identified, often leading to actions that, if evaluated rationally, would appear irrational. The proposed solution is to apply a little “alchemy,” as the book calls it, that is, to magically guide perception to indirectly influence behavioral responses.

Alchemy 4books EN

When combined in the right way, Storytelling and neuromarketing can create highly effective campaigns that harness the power of stories to connect with audiences in a meaningful way, to evoke emotions and become memorable in the collective imagination. Knowing them in depth allows you to know and master key tricks and strategies to learn to communicate better and get valid and lasting results.

4 books is a useful resource for anyone looking to delve into neuromarketing, storytelling, and many other topics in business and life, offering marketing and psychology books with detailed summaries that allow you to gain knowledge without having to read entire books. You can read or listen to these pills of knowledge and wisdom wherever you are, on any device and with just a few clicks. It only takes you twenty minutes. Do not wait: subscribe to 4 books now!

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