5 essential readings for non-verbal communication

Have you ever thought about iimportance of non-verbal communication? Body language communication involves the use of gestures, facial expressions, postures and movements and has the ability to convey messages and feelings without using words. It is a universal form of communication and is used by all peopleregardless of the language spoken. This is a critical aspect of our daily interaction with others.

Nonverbal communication can convey feelings, moods, and intentions that may not be explicitly stated verbally.. For example, obviously depending on the context, a smile can express joy and happiness or levity and derision, while an expression of concern can show understanding and empathy.

Facial expressions, gestures, posture, and tone of voice actually complement the message conveyed by words, amplifying it, emphasizing it, or sending ambiguous and contradictory signals. Non-verbal communication can be an important indicator of sincerity and affects others’ perception of us. This is why body language scholars say that people can unintentionally convey signals of dishonesty through gestures and expressions, allowing others to tell if the speaker is being authentic or if there are some communication distortions.

There are several ways in which you can communicate with one or more interlocutors using non-verbal means. One concerns the facial expressions: smiling, frowning, raising eyebrows or grimacing can convey joy, sadness, surprise or disapproval. But the way you move your hands and gesture as you speak can also enhance or add other nuances of meaning to your speech. We must not forget the importance of its configuration, tone and intensity can affect the meaning of the message being conveyed.

It is fundamental, then Posture: if it is relaxed it can indicate comfort and openness, while if it is stiff it can be a sign of nervousness or discomfort. Remember that too Maintaining eye contact with someone you’re talking to can convey trust and interest, avoiding it can indicate shyness, apprehension, but also lack of attention and lack of conviction. The direction and intensity of body movements can convey excitement, frustration or relaxation. The distance between you and the person you are interacting with can convey a sense of intimacy or respect for privacy.

Body language can vary across cultures and traditions and its meaning is closely tied to a people’s culture of identity. However, there are non-verbal manifestations that are almost universally understood – think of the thumb and forefinger joined for OK, as a sign of approval, but also the index and middle finger used to symbolize V for victory, or hands raised in sky in triumph and jubilation – and sometimes allow you to overcome language barriers, facilitating interaction in multicultural settings.

Reading and studying books devoted to the importance of non-verbal expressions is an important part of the process of improving one’s own way of communicating to the public. The sentences selected from 4 books on body language offer you tips and techniques to become more aware of the importance of nods, gestures, movements and learn to master them with confidence and ease, making your speeches clear, coherent, effective and authentic, to win over your audience and to build meaningful relationships with others.

You were born to talk

The author, Richard Newman, shows you many techniques and strategies he has learned in over twenty years of traveling and training. Before studying storytelling and stage presence at a prestigious London acting school and then doing 1000 corporate presentations for a Formula 1 team and teaching 50,000 clients worldwide, the author learned many teachings at a Tibetan monastery in India, where he learned to verbal communication directly from monks. The book also focuses on awareness and conscious use of voice, body language and emotions during public speaking.

You Were Born to Speak 4books EN

How to speak in public and persuade others

Would you like to learn to clearly communicate who you are, what you want, what you believe? After all, they are fundamental steps to one’s personal fulfillment, both in the work and private spheres. Dale Breckenridge Carnegie, speaker and self-improvement coach, helps you do this by teaching you to persuade, inform, entertain others, and get what you want from them with words enhanced by appropriate nonverbal communication. For example, speaking with contagious enthusiasm, expressed through tone of voice, body posture, gestures, facial expression, helps make a message more effective.

How to speak in public and persuade others 4books IT

Say What You Mean

Communication is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. However, more and more often, we relegate it to the thousand activities we do every day, without focusing enough on the quality and real importance of certain non-verbal nuances. The three fundamental phases of meditation teacher Oren Jay Sofer’s method – three steps based on presence, intention and attention – help you work with yourself and move towards a conscious and empathetic dialogue that improves your relationships and the world around you. “Awareness is the primary foundation of all communication,” explains the author.

Say What You Mean 4books EN

You do not fool me

If you want to improve your verbal communication and better understand that of others, former FBI agent Joe Navarro certainly has something to say and teach you. The practitioner has the experience and knowledge to explain how to read other people’s body signals, decode non-verbal language, and spot any lies and ambiguities. In this book you will find specific examples and the meaning of the most common gestures and postures, gaining a detailed picture of the subject.

Don't Cheat Me 4books 2021

HCE the science of human interactions

Paolo Borzacchiello, one of the leading experts in linguistic intelligence applied to business, and Luca Mazzilli, entrepreneur, employment consultant, programmer and kung fu teacher, explain how you can successfully manage negotiations and agreements through in-depth study of the five intelligences (strategic, behavioral, environmental, linguistic and emotional). To this we must also apply a scientific method developed by them, related to the collection of information and how to reprocess it. The goal is to improve your communication more and more, making it a powerful tool to improve yourself and your relationships in every area.

HCE the science of human interactions 4 books EN

These are five texts about non-verbal communication that the platform 4 books has selected for you, making them understandable and accessible through both reading and listening. You can learn basic techniques and tips from expert authors such as those listed without having to read their entire works, wherever you are and in a short amount of time. Non-verbal communication plays an important role in conveying messages, feelings and intentions. And it allows you to add value to human interactions, facilitate mutual understanding, overcome conflicts and create more effective relationships. Becoming more aware of your use of non-verbal codes and learning to decipher those of others allows you to be more satisfied with your studies, work and private life.

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