5 essential reads for effective communication and successful deal closing

How to close a successful deal? It certainly takes a mix of skills, from business and management acumen to excellent market knowledge, but effective communication is often what makes the difference. Communication skills are a fundamental pillar of being brilliant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. A good professional must be able to interact with clients in a clear manner and build lasting relationships with them.

We’re talking about one a critical requirement for reaching lasting agreements and the beneficial conclusion of a negotiation. Correct and adequate communication not only favors the creation of a personal bond with customers, but also the understanding of their needs and the discovery of personalized solutions. In addition, empathic and transparent communication can make it easier to manage any critical issues, helping to maintain a collaborative relationship with the client.

When you sit at a table with someone, during a moment of conversation and discussion, you need to know how to listen carefully and understand the needs of the other party. Which obviously doesn’t mean forgetting the result you want to achieve or looking submissive and ineffective. Instead, being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, understanding the other person’s concerns and needs, promotes creating a relationship based on trust that allows us to offer personalized solutions.

It is equally important express your ideas clearly and concisely, avoiding possible misunderstandings and facilitating the effective presentation of proposals. To this end, it is useful to use persuasive techniques to influence the customer’s decisions. This includes the ability to present ideas persuasively and use the customer’s emotions to your advantage. Faced with possible and legitimate objections and criticisms, it is necessary to know how to deal with all these calmly and professionally, without getting angry and without showing aggression or entrenching oneself in one’s own positions, instead of looking for solutions to overcome obstacles.

Remember that even when negotiating with someone, a successful practitioner must be able to create an empathic connectionwith those in front of him and convincingly communicate the advantages of the products or services he promotes. The nuances of non-verbal communication, such as the use of facial expression and gestures, play an important role in the dynamics of a negotiation, irrevocably affecting the outcome.

Therefore, communication skills play a fundamental role in ensuring the success of a deal. These skills, however, can be improved and strengthened through proper training and continued practice. Reading books on the subject and applying the concepts you have learned are great tools to improve your preparation in this area. Here are the five suggestions 4 bookteach you how to better manage negotiations and become effective and persuasive.

Getting to yes

This book focuses on how to achieve positive outcomes in negotiations – from work to family – even when you disagree. William Ury and Roger Fisher teach how to avoid falling into communication traps and distortions and how to turn a conflict into a mutually beneficial agreement. In these pages you will find negotiation techniques that are easy to understand and apply, and useful ideas for better understanding the motivations and needs of your interlocutors. “If you want the other party to value your interests, start by showing that you value theirs,” the authors suggest.

Go to Yes 4books EN

Never split the difference

The title means “Never Accept Compromise”, as compromise risks being the worst solution for both parties. During his 24 years with the FBI, Chris Voss – who wrote the book with Tahl Raz – learned the art of negotiation in the most difficult field, the one in which human lives are in his hands, developing techniques applicable to both private and in the professional field. The instruments? Active listening, knowing others, empathy, use of voice, analytical skills. Remember that great negotiators are open to every possibility, remain mentally flexible, and know that they are operating in a fluid situation.

Never Split the Difference 4books

Words that change minds

Each person communicates through a series of filters shaped in the wake of their history and identity. Shelle Rose Charvet, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) teacher and trainer, describes the LAB Profile® – Language and Behavior Profile, a powerful tool that allows you to understand, predict and influence people’s behavior by decoding the language they use. Manipulation is one thing, persuasive communication with high impact is another. And the last one is what the author reveals to you.

Words That Change Your Mind 4 IT Books

The visual guide to negotiation

In a business context, it is often necessary to enter into agreements with different parties. However, mistakes are just around the corner, for example failing to secure agreements based on common interests or letting emotions get the better of you. Alexis Kyprianou has also written a valuable manual for you that offers an in-depth and practical understanding of the main negotiation techniques, from managing the progress of discussions to influencing mechanisms to understanding importance. You will learn that negotiation is not a war scenario, but an opportunity for cooperation and development.

The Visual Guide to Trading 4books IT

The weapons of persuasion

In an increasingly interconnected, complex and stimulus-rich world, the brain is forced to take shortcuts to work quickly, starting with stereotypes and automatisms that help us simplify logic and conclusions, but also lead us to make mistakes. Robert Cialdini shows you how to avoid certain pitfalls and learn to gain an advantage in a negotiation. Being aware of certain patterns of thought and behavior is essential not to be deceived, but also to know how to use certain dynamics to your advantage.

The weapons of persuasion 4 books EN

These are just a few lessons in communication skills that every professional should learn. With experience and practice, you can develop these skills and become more effective in your role, becoming a master of negotiation and persuasion, with consequential and significant results. The platform 4 booksrepresents a valuable resource for those looking to enhance these and other skills, offering a huge variety of books condensed into pills to read or listen to in less than 20 minutes, wherever you are and just a click away. Sign up for 4 books!Become a negotiation wizard and a successful professional.

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