5-star strategy and numbers that speak for themselves: this is how Rent4you wins with Trustpilot – Trustpilot Business Blog

The option to collect reviews via Trustpilot represented for Rent4you not only the right way to show consumers its very high level of customer satisfaction, but also a powerful growth tool in terms of both brand awareness what would you say discounts.

Chart Rent4you

The main results achieved by Rent4you

By inviting its customers to leave a review at the conclusion of each rental contract and 30 days after each vehicle is delivered, Rent4you has managed to ensure a continuous flow of feedback, which has allowed it to receive over 1,700 reviews and achieve an average score of a 5 stars it is one TrustScore 4.9 out of 5 points (data updated to October 2023).

But a winning strategy capable of generating visibility and profits certainly cannot stop here… and Rent4you knows this well!

“For Rent4you, Trustpilot was the ideal tool to make the most of years of customer satisfaction work.”

Mattia Verze

Marketing Manager at Rent4you

The analysis tools by Trustpilot are used by the Telesales team to better understand and improve the level of service offered to customers. The Digital team uses special TrustBox widgets on the site’s landing pages Horizontal And Regulators to reassure consumers with the company’s 5 stars and TrustScore and encourage them to buy. Finally, the Marketing team includes Trustpilot branding on all social media posts (Instagram And Facebook) to boost your communication strategy and benefit from TrustBoxes Signature And Newsletters to increase the effectiveness of email campaigns.

TrustBox Signature Rent4you

How Rent4you includes Trustpilot stars in your email signature with the TrustBox Signature widget

The result? The numbers speak for themselves!

By enriching social media posts with TrustScore, the company was able to reduce more than 40% the cost per lead generatedpassage from €6.2 to €3.69. This way Rent4you achieved an increase in conversion rate while keeping the same budget.

On its websites, the inclusion of TrustScore led to 2.4% conversion rate of landing pages et al 3.1% site-wide session lead conversion rate.

Rent4y social media posts

Trustpilot stars in Rent4you’s social media posts

Even when it comes to positioning among the results of online search engines, Rent4you manages to optimize its performance: the authority of the Trustpilot domain on the web and the creation of an extensive and detailed description of its business on the company profile page on Trustpilot allow Rent4you yes climb positions in SERP.
Additionally, between August 2022 and August 2023 the company recorded over 69,500 impressions (almost it 35% more compared to the same previous time frame) and more than 3,100 clicks from Google organic search. These numbers caused more to visit 530 users on the Rent4you website e the acquisition of 32 new customers.

The Rent4you Statistics section for Trustpilot businesses

A section of the Statistics panel in your Rent4you business account on Trustpilot

360-degree use of the Trustpilot platform, its resources and the reviews that Rent4you – like thousands of other companies – benefit from every day.

Do you also want to improve your business’s trading strategy and reap all the benefits that Trustpilot has to offer? Make a reservation today free consultation with one of our experts and make reviews the most powerful marketing tool.

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