All the superfoods of 2024: unusual fruits and alternative coffees

Innovative trends emerge in 2024’s superfood landscape, including exotic fruits and new coffee alternatives.

In this way, the diet Italian with a variety of ancient grains and alternative ingredients. Here’s what recent analysis reveals Raw food.

What are superfoods?

THE Super Foods they are foods that stand out for their excellent nutritional properties, rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other essential nutrients that are beneficial to health.

It is one of the most well-known superfoods berries acai, goji and blueberries, chia and flax seeds, leafy greens like kale and spinachexotic fruits like its fruit baobab and papaya and other foods such as green tea, dark chocolate, and certain varieties of nuts and seeds.

Superfood snack

Superfood snacks –

The benefits of superfoods vary depending on the specific food, but – in general – they can be very important in supporting heart health, digestion and also have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they are essential for weight management and reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases.

The analysis conducted by CiboCrudo: the new superfoods of 2024

According to his analysis Raw fooda famous brand specializing in plant-based, organic and raw foods, 2024 will see the rise of unique superfoods.

This forecast comes from the intersection of the most popular trends on social media platforms such as Tik Tok and Instagram and related scientific studies, which are also supported by the most talked about topics from food experts.

Super Foods

Superfood –

Among the most anticipated products for 2024 is the Chlorellaa single-celled green freshwater alga, prized for cleaning properties and for supporting the immune system, as well as contributing to lowering cholesterolregulating blood pressure, lowering blood glucose levels and improving physical resistance.

Then comes cocoa in all its variations: in fact, the use of fruit pulp is usually considered a by-productwhich is now used in products such as cocoa water, jellies and jams.

Alternatives to coffee

In 2024, the trend towards alternatives to coffee, such as coffee with mushroomsmushroom-based coffee, which represents a trend imported from the United States, which is based on brews made with functional mushroom powders mixed with spices.

Coffee cup

Coffee cup (Freepik) –

Among the exotic fruits, however, there is also the Camu Camua small acidic berry from the Amazon forest, available in powder form to enrich smoothies, yogurt or juices.

Also the Baobabit will be a particularly used element, since it can be used, in powder form, to enrich drinks and pastries such as e.g. pancake And cookies.

H. also comes from Africa Teff, a staple grain of Ethiopian cuisine. Other ancient grains, such as buckwheat and amaranth, will also be protagonists, marking – in this sense – a return to the beginning in the selection of ingredients that you must have in the kitchen.

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