Bamboo uses Trustpilot to motivate its teams and stand out in the competitive consumer lending market – Trustpilot Business Blog

As Bamboo continues to invite new customers to submit feedback, amassing 300+ reviews and achieving a 5-star rating on Trustpilot, the team is discovering powerful insights left by their customers. Reviews reveal what aspects of their business are working well and what they could improve. By analyzing feedback, Bamboo can decide where to invest future time and money to continue improving the customer experience.

Reviews provide the context needed for continuous improvement, something digital marketing director Antonietta Gonzalez knows is vital to growing their business. “We strive to be the best at what we do. We believe that customer satisfaction can only be achieved through hard work and continuous effort.” and the content of their reviews gives them the tools to do so.

Bamboo implemented a responsive Trustpilot integration, known as Trustbox, on the “request a quote” page. TrustBox automatically displays all recent five-star reviews to site visitors, sharing third-party validation and positive reviews to prompt consumers to inquire.

Bamboo reviews

The integration was extremely successful.

By partnering with Trustpilot and incorporating their on-site reviews, Bamboo has boosted its results, increase on-site conversions month to month, and reducing their bounce rate by 5.73%.

Adding third-party verification to their website has boosted their website performance, imbuing their services with trust and transparency, and sharing social proof of their customers.

Ultimately, Bamboo’s partnership with Trustpilot provides value in three main ways:

  • It builds trust and confidence and boosts on-site conversions

  • Collects and presents amazing 5-star reviews

  • Motivates and motivates teams to deliver excellent service

*Bamboo is a lender that offers online unsecured personal loans and guaranteed loans. They started lending in 2014 and aim to offer financial loans to their customers to support them in their daily lives.

At Bamboo they are committed to providing consistent quality service and work hard to exceed their customers’ expectations. They believe that positive and consistent customer experiences are key to building trust and confidence: and they build their brand and business on positive customer outcomes.*

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