Breakfast after the holidays: what to eat to get back in shape

What to eat for breakfast after the holidays to get back in shape and detox? Below, the best foods for your well-being.

The festive seasonusually characterized by food excesses, can often lead to heaviness and digestive difficulties. Therefore, we provide you with some useful tips for restoring physical well-being, starting with breakfast the morning after the Christmas holidays. So, you can return to your daily life, gradually and healthily.

Breakfast after vacation, what to eat to recover well-being

With the end of the Christmas holidays, we return to everyday life that is interrupted during Christmas, New Year and Epiphany. These days, consisting of relaxation and plenty of food and drink, often lead to inevitable weight gain.

According to nutrition experts, people put between 2 and 5 kg during this period. So how can you restore your physical balance after the holidays?

Young woman eats healthy breakfast

Young woman eats healthy breakfast

First of all, it is important to start with one balanced breakfast which is the first and most important meal of the day: so let’s try to describe the foods we should eat and how to avoid feeling hungry in the following hours.

It is also necessary do not skip main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) to give to the organization stable dietary intake.

Foods you should eat in the morning

In Italy, breakfast is a basic meal, as highlighted by a study Nielsen for Mulino Bianco, which shows that 70% of Italians eat breakfast, even if quickly.

After public holidayit is good to choose one complete and balanced breakfastconsumed at home to promote cleansing of the body and return to normality.

Therefore, it is important to prefer foods rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins, thus balancing proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats, to stimulate intestinal activity and get the necessary calories to face the day.

Sweet or savory breakfast

First choose wholemeal bread and biscuits, rice cakes and cereals without sugar, combined with soy or kefir drinks, which are particularly beneficial for the gut microflora.

Then you can add it fresh fruitssuch as pears, kiwis, blueberries and oranges, to get you started diuretic action thanks to the vitamins and minerals they contain.

For those who, however, prefer the salty breakfastyou can choose scrambled eggs, avocado cream and salmon, to alternate with wholemeal bread, seeds and cereals.


Pandoro ( –

Finally, you can also put one on the table pandoro or panettone sliceaccompanied by a vegetable drink, so as not to waste holiday leftovers and help recycle food that has not been fully consumed during lunch and dinner

Contrary to what one might think, stimulating itmorning appetite with foods such as blueberries, dried fruits and cereals, can allow the body to overcome the lack of appetite in the morning, which, in fact, is a problem that affects 42% of people skip breakfastaccording to the study Nielsen.

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