Creating flexible organizations with flexible organizational charts

Traditional organizations are bureaucratic and unchanging, which creates obstacles when companies need to innovate and adapt to change. Agile organizations, on the other hand, are designed with much greater adaptability and flexibility, meaning companies can react quickly to the ever-changing market landscape and consumer needs.

Characteristics of flexible organizations

Agile organizations are designed to be adaptable and flexible. They are based on the principles of agility, i.e. the ability to respond effectively and quickly to change. Agile organizations can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • Cross functionality: Agile organizations are divided into cross-functional teams, which means everyone can participate in projects regardless of their title.
  • Flat structure: There is much less hierarchy in agile organizations, which helps speed up decision-making.
  • Responsible employees: Agile involves empowering employees to make logical decisions and control their work.
  • Continuous improvement: Through regular feedback and experimentation, agile organizations look for ways to improve.

Types of flexible team structure

The type of structure an agile company adopts will depend on budget, available resources and the type of project. There is no “best” structure. there are simply different structures for different groups and each will have its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some basic examples of flexible team structure:

  • Product: In a specialized team structure, each brings knowledge to a different position and is responsible for managing all activities in that area. These experts are essential parts of the team because they can delve deeper into complex areas than anyone else.
  • General: A general team structure requires everyone to have basic knowledge on a wide range of topics. This “jack of all trades” mentality allows them to work on a variety of projects.
  • HYBRID: A hybrid team combines both the generalist and the specialist.
  • Fillet: This is known as a group within a group. Subgroups are individuals within a large group who work in specific areas.
  • Parallel: This setup allows everyone to work in the same area and then switch during each new sprint.

What is a flexible organization chart?

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing an organizational hierarchy, as the configuration you choose will depend on the needs of your business. However, it can be difficult to see how all the different groups are connected.

This is where flexible org charts come into play. These types of charts serve as a visual representation of the structure of an agile organization.

How to create a flexible organization chart

The best way to create a flexible organization chart is with authoring software, which will give you access to a library of templates that can be modified to fit the needs of the company.

To get started, you should choose a template that fits your goals. Then spend some time assigning roles, but make sure each person has the training and skills needed to complete the task. Finally, you should remain adaptive, which means going back to the chart and making changes as needed.

Embedding more agile processes in your business means thinking deeply about your hierarchical structure. To step back and get a clear overview, use flexible organizational charts.

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