Fescimed, the film festival for memory

They present the Lola González Award every year. Olalla points this out “He had to live through the murder of his partner, Enrique Ruano, in the hands of the Francoist police and years later fell victim to the massacre of the Atocha lawyers in which She was seriously injured and her husband, Javier Sauquillo, was murdered. Despite this, he lived his entire life without hating or holding a grudge. He died in 2015. He dedicated his life to the defense of Human Rights and democratic memory. We award this award to people who have qualified for their defense”.

Rozalén Award, Lola González.Sad

This year it fell to the singer Rozalén, who received it last Monday, November 27 at the Academy of Cinema. “Rozalén’s commitment to this issue has been tireless in a country that punishes those who speak out and rewards those who remain silent. The previous winners were Cristina Almeida, Javier del Pino, Almudena Grandes, Ian Gibson and Juan Diego Botto”.

They also present the Albert Camus Award. Carlos points out that he was a “man from the world of culture who stood out for his steadfast opposition to fascism”, so they do justice to his figure “by bestowing this award which bears his name. It has different categories: living memory, education and memory, and exile and memory. This year’s winners are Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Argeles sur-Mer City Council and Aferem Association, association for the future of education in the region of Murcia. The previous year was the historian Ángel Viñas and his clubs “copied by the Franco regime in Madrid and Catalonia”.


Fescimed Madrid 2023 is celebrated between December 12 and 16 at Matadero Cineteca starting at 8:00 p.m. Carlos mentions that there will be “two conferences, on the 15th at 21:00 on education and memory with the screening of the documentary The educational missions and the participation of Diego Blazquez, general director of Democratic Memory, Jaime Ruiz, President of the Truth Platform Committee, Fernando Mazo, teacher at Lourdes Fuhem school, and Gonzalo Tapia, director of the documentary.

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