Franchino er Criminale: financial guru! – Cafona Finance

We Romans are often self-referential. We take it for granted that the whole country knows the world that gravitates around the capital and specifically the characters whose voices enter the daily life of the city.

It is precisely for this reason that I do not know how attractive today’s article is to all of you, my dear readers. Actually, I’m talking to you about a guy very far from its meaning personal finances but whose thoughts turn to money management: Franchino is a criminal.

financial ode to francino er criminal

And you are right.

So? Well, let me explain!


Franchino er Criminale is the alter ego of Alessandro, a self-discovered boxing instructor and sports coach food vlogger Street’s.

A bit of a fluke to be honest and not entirely intentional.

Several years ago the well-known YouTuber Cicalone was looking for one convict character to be included in one of his videos and Alessandro helps him with the casting. Alas, no one shows up for the audition. A saddened Alessandro nominates himself for the role.

The resulting clip was a huge success and the character was born from the sketch “Franchino er Criminal” enters Cicalone’s roosters.

Franchino is a character of the peoplea rugged old-fashioned Roman who keeps the typical philosophy of life of the past true and genuine.

After a few years it was time for the solo channel.

Ale/Franchino opens his channel and quickly becomes one of the most popular food vlogger in Italy.

OK, this is an obscure newspaper, but now there is one column in La Repubblica.

Franchino doesn’t go for star restaurants. Instead, reviews the road and people’s food: pizzas, supplì, fries, mini pizzas, roast chicken, kebabs, bao and street food. He travels the city and gets a lot out of it by making judgments in a sharp, stingy and honest style.

He butchers institutions and recommends little culinary gems always at the side of those who consume and never of those who consume:


I’ve explained to you who Franchino er Criminale is, what he does for a living, and why he became famous, so now you’re wondering what the hell this has to do with a personal finance blog.

You are right, it is a mental journey of mine.

I believe these are the best discoveries in life adapted from concepts from other fields. Many inventions were born this way, and Franchino’s philosophy of selecting and reviewing the best places to eat also works very well for money management.

Guy? Here are some good lessons:


This is probably the most relevant teaching on personal finance:

When one thing And expensive means not worth the price.

One thing expensive, you pay the price it deserves, but what is used (or eaten) gives satisfaction and its value is right for the pleasure gained. ONE expensive thing not worth the money dropped.

It is a great economic postulate because often we overprice the value of the items or services by evaluating them for the brand, appearance or image it consequently provides us in front of others.

Doing they are dragged by fashions So we buy low-end items just to keep up with others, but without providing us with financial advantage and savings in the long run.

The “Expensive and expensive” Franconia in conjunction with the course for shopping with the principle of depreciation may allow you to assimilate this principle.

Buying expensive but well-made things guarantees an additional advantage: you can use the same items for years and they have an important one savings over time.


After watching a few of Franchino’s videos, you realize how good places to eat are (almost) always outside the busy city center and in general little publicized.

They do their job well no need to pay the influencer food porn on duty or spend billions on adsense. The good things that people recognize.

But to find them you have to look hard. You have to talk to people, search the communities, see up to the thirtieth page of Google search.

Well, the financial sector is different. It is now approx digital services and of course they must be advertised but here too the Franconian philosophy is not wrong.

Consider brokers for investment! How much is it ad you see by Etoro or other derivatives brokers? That’s right, a brothel.

But the best is Direct. a small reality of Turin without big fires or screaming.

Search, also look into the financial sector.


Foodpornari and Guru are two sides of the same coin.

They’re both telling you bullshit. They scream in the digital square declaring false hope and tell you “I’m doing it for you.”

Their real interest is in selling you a fucking book empty of words (hello Rich Dad Poor Dad!) or a cheap course that will burn you out.

Gurus write articles about selling leg photos online and present themselves as investment geniuses, while food porn writers are hype boosters. cooking shit.

In Franchino’s videos this battle emerges in false estimates.

By analogy, watching Franchino’s videos will teach you to recognize those who just want to take their cue from the restaurateur. And escaping before realizing how a cacio e pepe inside a hollow buffalo mozzarella is a great way to ruin 2 dishes.

Generally when they scream, shout, exaggerate… it’s bad. Don’t listen to him.


Franchino is a rude man. A rude one. An immediate one.

Speak without filters and if he has to give a 2 because the place is closed at 4pm he will give it to you. And if he meets you on the street, he’ll tell you clearly what an idiot you are.

He does things following a genre ancestral common senseuse one basic and simple logic without hiding among big words, data or complex graphs.

He could, because he’s not stupid, but he doesn’t.

He prefers to follow i Grandma’s advice According to which “If you’re closed at 4 on a Wednesday you don’t feel like doing shit and therefore you work poorly.”

It is incredible to say, a feature of the union between Franchino and… Nassim Taleb:

Franchino tries, learns, makes mistakes and isn’t afraid to say so.

As Taleb says “Doing is much better than understanding”. Franchino does.

But he’s gross and makes jokes, isn’t he?

I’d rather follow an asshole than you filled with information incomprehensible, wrong graphs or Excel files to which you feel a natural resistance.

There simplicity is not easy but it exists.

Don’t listen to those who build complex systems to understand their work.


Two things often anger Franchino:

  • The wrong opening hours on Google
  • The good reviews for crappy places

Our reviewer often goes to try a place by following them times mentioned on Google Local or Google Maps.

Many times it is screwed and the restaurant or the bakery is closed. Being rough, he eats his ass a lot, complains about it laziness of managers in updating information and often places a nice “2” Regardless.

The number of cases is not small. Every 2 or 3 videos they find several cases of shops with incorrect opening hours and this feeds the issue fake (or incorrect) news on the web.

The phenomenon is even worse when it is treated online reviews:

The Frankonian “Learn how to eat” it is not enough to close the discussion.

In the field food as well as financially you will face a common problem: there are no reliable sources. The the information is partial or full of bullshit.

They are due to the ignorance of the writer (hello!), because there is an interest in hiding the negative sides, or because they are issued only for financial gain.

So when you make a decision you can’t do it passively relying on stars or an external judgement, but you have to activate something to call “brain”.

In all decisions it is necessary justifying and filtering out misinformation weighing the self-interest of those who recommend them to you.


Am I crazy or is Francono a great character? Or are you saying that I only like it because I associate it with the work I do with Finanza Cafona?

Anyway, it drives me crazy how you can learn new lessons even from things that are far apart and yet… well it happens!

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