How Auto Trader is building trust across the car market – Trustpilot Business Blog

Auto Trader is fully committed to changing the way consumers shop for these cars online. To do this, the business has partnered with Trustpilot to build trust and transparency across the automotive industry and encourage users to share their experiences.

This month, we spoke with Gabriella Johnson, Customer Experience and Insight Specialist, and Marc Thornborough, Independent Brand Director, to better understand how Auto Trader works to achieve its goal of leveraging customer trust.

“We chose to work with Trustpilot because of the platform’s great reputation, brand awareness and customer recognition. We knew we wanted to work with a platform that could really help us build trust in the UK market with our private sellers,” explains Marc.

The automotive industry is not known for its great reputation, especially when it comes to buying a car. Auto Trader understands the challenges facing the market and leverages Trustpilot reviews to build trust with both consumers and customers.

Since using Trustpilot, Auto Trader has also significantly increased their conversion rate. The business has also adopted a “voice of the customer strategy”.

“Feedback is really valuable. That communication and that connection with consumers breeds loyalty and is a great advertisement for all our prospects,” says Marc.

The brand also found the Trustpilot platform very easy to use. Gabriella explains:

“Our voice of the customer team uses Trustpilot every day, so it’s really important that we use a platform that’s easy to pull information from. Trustpilot offers different ways to report, which we do regularly enough to monitor our reviews and TrustScore and make sure we keep getting better and better.”

Auto Trader understands that receiving a bad review is not bad for your business or your reputation. The business has learned how to handle negative feedback and how to turn bad reviews into positive stories. Taking the time to respond to reviews shows that your team takes all customer experiences seriously and wants to work to provide great customer service and experiences. In this day and age, there is nothing more trustworthy than a customer-centric brand.

“If you really focus on your reviews and the feedback your customers give you, and if you work hard to improve your service and customer experience, you can really improve your reputation,” says Gabriella.

If you want to build trust with customers and manage your online reputation just like Auto Trader does, request a free Trutpilot demo below.

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