How’s conversions increased by 37% thanks to reviews – Trustpilot Business Blog

With over 2,500 reviews, 96% of which fall into the ‘Excellent’ and ‘Very Good’ categories, stands out because it always puts customer satisfaction first.

To tell this success story, we spoke to Garreth Knowd, the owner of Garreth told us why his business chose Trustpilot as a way of building trust among customers and explained how online reviews have become an integral part of the company’s marketing strategy. - Italian image translation

Trust has become a key tool for acquiring new customers and keeping your customers. is an online business – this means that the majority of people who buy their products do so online and remotely. However, building trust-based bonds exclusively online can be difficult.

Gareth explained:

“Trust is built over time, through interactions and exchanges between a customer and a company. We live in a digital age where the opinions of all users can be easily shared online; therefore, it is important for us to build a stable, trust-based relationship with our current customers, demonstrating to potential customers the credibility of our brand and our care for the customer experience”.

Since started working with Trustpilot, collecting reviews – positive and negative – has become an important part of the brand’s strategy, which is always about improving and innovating.

For, Trustpilot is the main tool for measuring customer satisfaction. In fact, customers who place orders on the company’s website are sent invitations to review via email once they receive the ordered products.

To showcase reviews, the team implemented a TrustBox widget on the website homepage, product pages and at checkout.

Home of Trustpilot reviews

“In addition to running live streams on our website, we’re currently running a 6-month national radio advertising campaign and Trustpilot has a big part to play in that,” explains Garreth.

“We also feature the Trustpilot brand in our marketing materials, digital campaigns and social media platforms. We share at least one review a day across all our platforms and the Trustpilot tag is always present in our Facebook profile content.” reviews social media reviews social media 2 reviews social media advertising

But that is not all. Both our marketing and customer service departments use Trustpilot to respond to reviews on a daily basis. The two teams use reviews written on Trustpilot to identify areas for improvement or problems with the delivery service, personally responding to all reviews that are 3 stars or below.

Paying attention to and responding to negative feedback allows to learn from its mistakes and continue to improve its services to meet customer expectations.

Gareth explained:

“For us, turning a customer’s negative experience into a positive one is a meaningful opportunity, because we want our company to be recognized for the quality of its customer service. the last thing we want is to give customers the impression that we don’t care. It would not be possible for us to achieve these goals without a platform like Trustpilot, as it is important for us to understand what is working and what needs improvement. For example, thanks to the feedback we received in the reviews we realized that customers really appreciate the additional content we offer, such as the flower arrangement videos that we send after each order to the customer for final approval.” customer review

Since using Trustpilot on its website and across all other channels, the company’s conversion rate has seen a remarkable 37% increase, while its bounce rate has decreased by 22%.

In addition, the brand saw an impressive 166% increase in product sales and another 162% increase in revenue in the first three months of using Trustpilot reviews.

“The results achieved thanks to Trustpilot were excellent!”

Gareth Gnostos


“Our customers have gained trust in our brand because they’ve been able to read about real experiences other people have had with us. Going forward, we want to continue to differentiate ourselves from the competition and improve our service and product offering to meet all the different needs of our customers,” explains Garreth.’s main mission is to listen to its customers and use feedback to strengthen its business. All companies can make great improvements when they truly care about their customers’ satisfaction. is proof that reviews can really help you improve your approach and how you operate. It all starts with listening.

If you want to start building trust, gaining useful insights, delivering better customer experiences and increasing sales like, why not create a free Trustpilot profile? It’s quick and easy, just click the link below.

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