How Giglio went from local retailer to global brand in the age of social proof – Trustpilot Business Blog

Overview of the results obtained by Giglio thanks to Trustpilot

Giglio’s key benefits of using Trustpilot reviews

Giglio realized that a stellar online presence could be the key to success in the e-commerce space, where it’s not so easy to build a personal relationship with customers.

Aiming to open a dialogue with its customer base and better communicate with a global audience, Giglio decided to partner with Trustpilot in 2017.

Since then, they’ve been using the Trustpilot platform to track their customer satisfaction, maximize their e-commerce conversions and increase their bottom line.

We really appreciated the fact that Trustpilot is a world-leading online review platform translated and localized in all languages, as it is fundamental for a company like ours that wants to reach all its customers around the world

Fabio Ginestra

Marketing Operations Manager

Driven by the strategy of automatically collecting reviews, Giglio empowers its customers to communicate information, questions and concerns directly to the team through reviews. This provides the business with valuable customer feedback that they can display and use in their marketing emails and SERP ads.

Adding this kind of social proof to their marketing materials has also boosted their performance on key metrics.

After adding review content to his website and showing his Trustpilot star rating in his Google Ads campaigns, Giglio saw an incredible 20% increase in click-through rates on ads displaying Trustpilot stars.

But the use of Trustpilot doesn’t stop there at the top of the funnel — Giglio has also made the most of TrustBox widgets on their website to build trust, which is known to boost e-commerce conversions.

We run A/B tests on all levels of the purchase funnel and the results show that those containing Trustpilot elements achieve the best results in terms of conversion rate.

Fabio Ginestra, Head of Marketing Operations

Image of the cart on the Giglio website with some items

The TrustBox widget on the shopping cart page

Thanks to this simple integration and according to the results of A/B testing on their checkout page, Giglio increased their conversion rate by 7% with their TrustBox.

A/B test results on using TrustBox

A/B test results measuring the impact of a TrustBox on Giglio’s checkout page

Another key widget in Giglio’s marketing strategy was the TrustBox newsletter, which Giglio implemented across all email communication in hopes of increasing the credibility of their company’s communications.

In this case, the A/B test results also show that CTR increased by almost 10%which is especially important considering the many types of emails Giglio sends to potential customers.

Thanks to this powerful tool, Giglio presents its star rating to email marketing campaigns and transactional emails, allowing them to benefit from social proof across all channels and at various stages of the e-commerce customer journey.

It is an opportunity for us to show the high quality of our services. At the same time, it provides us with a daily challenge to constantly improve our performance, especially in the areas in which we compete. In this sense, nothing is more valuable than a review – even a bad one – from the people who have decided to trust your company.

Fabio Ginestra, Head of Marketing Operations

Image showing Giglio's transactional email with the TrustBox newsletter inside

Example of a TrustBox newsletter in one of Giglio’s emails

In addition to the steady stream of customer reviews, ongoing and tailored support is among Trustpilot’s features that Giglio values ​​most. But of all their favorite features, the plug and play Trustpilot API it’s definitely at the top of the list.

Thanks to this option, Giglio’s Customer Relationship Management system — managed and constantly updated by their developers — can be easily connected to the Trustpilot platform in real time.

This allows Giglio to stay connected to both systems on a daily basis while gathering valuable insights from reviews. And perhaps most importantly, it gives Customer Service and Social Media teams a real-time window into customer sentiment.

The way to use the API is easy but smart: every day we read all incoming reviews received in the last 24 hours and import them into our own CRM. This connects them to incoming orders and thus to our customer. Because of this step, the Customer Service department can understand much better the satisfaction level of our customers when it comes to repeat purchases.

Fabio Ginestra, Head of Marketing Operations

That said, the power of reviews and smart system integrations can only go so far if that information isn’t shared widely with the right departments at the right time.

Because of the way Giglio shares customer reviews across all departments and the ongoing support of Trustpilot’s Customer Success Managers, customer reviews not only help the company grow, but also highlight which aspects of their business can be improved and which are the biggest challenges for these customers.

Trustpilot reviews even allow Giuseppe Giglio, the CEO of the business, to maintain the personal and family feel they have created in their days by interacting directly with customers and responding to the comments they left on the reviews.

“I inherited the family business culture from my family,” he says. “We are on the front line. When a customer is unhappy with our service, I personally respond to understand what went wrong, apologize and understand what actions we can take to make things right and correct our mistake.”

From a small shop to a listed company, the Giglio family’s story is rooted deep in their past and traditions, but that hasn’t stopped them from future-proofing their business with the help of a trusted third-party review partner like Trustpilot.

When mature brands move into the online space, simply being present is not enough. It is now essential to engage with customers and show that you are listening to their feedback.

With Giglio’s continued efforts to meet its customers exactly where they are, we have no doubt that they will continue to succeed in the e-commerce space — and be at the forefront of whatever shopping innovation follows.

*Special thanks to Marta Zugliano and Stefano Cruciata for the original version of this article.

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