How PittaRosso’s online ads achieved 61.5% average viewability thanks to Trustpilot – Trustpilot Business Blog

Pitta Rosso began its history in the province of Padua in the middle of the last century, managing over time to develop a chain of shoe stores and become a leading company in the Italian market, with over 150 points of sale. The brand is known for its huge selection of women’s, men’s, children’s and sports shoes, as well as fashion accessories, and for always offering its customers the best value for money.

PittaRosso’s goal by using Trustpilot is to be able to communicate to its current and potential customers its commitment to continuous improvement of the offer and their level of satisfaction. The password is therefore once again o confidencewhich the company succeeds in instilling in consumers by putting the credibility of its brand and the quality of its services at the center of everything, both in its online communications and on its e-commerce site.

Creativity Meta Pittarosso

Like the logo, stars and number of Trustpilot reviews appear in PittaRosso’s Meta ads

During the second half of 2022, the company made two impressive advertising campaigns lasting an average of 40 days each, which took place simultaneously across social media (Meta) and digital channels (Google Ads) a few months apart from each other.

The main objectives of the campaigns were to increase brand popularity and visibilityThe on-site conversions and store visits.

“We are very pleased with the results achieved thanks to these two campaigns. Combining the power of two big brands like PittaRosso and Trustpilot was strategic and had a great impact.”

Pietro Rosato

Digital Manager at PittaRosso

The creatives created for this purpose promoted seasonal sales and featured the Trustpilot logo and PittaRosso star rating, and the overall results they managed to generate in Meta and Google Ads were nothing short of outstanding:

  • beyond 11 million of impressions;

  • Almost 111,000 Click;

  • average view rate 61.5%*

*Estimated number of impressions actually viewed by consumers

To this overall data we must then add the clear improvement in Meta ad performance between the first and second campaigns, confirming the communication power of the Trustpilot brand:

  • field of application: +8.6%

  • reactions to posts: +76%

  • CTR: +74%

“Having the opportunity to include the TrustScore and Trustpilot brand in so much creative has definitely helped us optimize our brand position across digital channels and towards specific goals.”

Pietro Rosato

Digital Manager at PittaRosso

Another important aspect of PittaRosso’s use of Trustpilot is its implementation TrustBox widget on key pages of your website. In fact, as with thousands of other companies, even in the case of PittaRosso, Trustpilot’s TrustBoxes play a fundamental role in building trust and promoting brand credibility at key points of greatest engagement. The TrustBox Carouselone of Trustpilot’s most popular widgets, it displays 4 and 5 star reviews directly on the e-commerce homepage, while with TrustBox NewsletterPittaRosso’s email marketing communications and newsletters are enriched with the star rating and number of reviews the company has collected over time.

Trustbox Carousel Pittarosso

How Trustpilot’s TrustBox Carousel shows PittaRosso’s star rating and 4 and 5 star reviews, directly on the company’s e-commerce site.

Do you also want to achieve excellent results like those of PittaRosso? Contact one of our experts today and book a free consultation to learn how to get the most out of Trustpilot reviews and stars!

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