How recruitment agency ASAP is attracting more candidates than ever before with Trustpilot – Trustpilot Business Blog

As an employment agency, people really are the beating heart of the business. It takes dedicated people to match the right candidates with the right employers and with so much daily human interaction, trust is key to business success.

So how do you show potential candidates that their professional future and personal details are in good hands with you? Then comes the social proof…

Social proof separates the good from the bad and the ugly and is the most powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. By proactively collecting and displaying reviews from candidates, you can differentiate yourself from companies with a lower level of service.

That’s exactly what ASAP does. The recruitment agency builds trust throughout the candidate journey by displaying reviews at various key points on their website — they even dedicated a whole page to Trustpilot reviews!

home page of the site

It doesn't say anything

Nothing says “You can trust us” better than customer reviews on your website

Since ASAP started featuring Trustpilot reviews on their website, their conversion rate – the percentage of website visitors who applied for a job or created a user profile – has increased by an amazing 22%! Of course, Trustpilot isn’t the only factor responsible for this conversion boost, but it’s clear from the tests conducted by ASAP that trust is a necessary ingredient for business longevity.

22% more user profiles

To measure the impact of Trustpilot on Facebook and Instagram ads, ASAP ran an A/B test. For two weeks, two different variations were shown to a targeted audience: one containing the Trustpilot logo and TrustScore and the same ad without any mention of Trustpilot.

The results are impressive: the Trustpilot version generated 140% more applicants, 8% more clicks and 7% lower cost per click than the version without social proof! This shows that displaying a universal trust symbol in your ads can not only increase your traffic and build trust earlier in the funnel, but can also have a powerful influence on decision-making behavior.

a/b test results

Nearly three-quarters (73%) of all job searches start on Google, according to CareerBuilder, and the search engine’s role will become more important as Google Jobs grows in popularity.

By collecting Trustpilot reviews, as soon as possible it ensures more visibility on Google. If a company has received over 100 verified reviews from a country in the past 12 months and has an average rating of at least 3.5/5 stars, it qualifies for Google Seller Ratings — the gold stars in text ads and Shop Search ads Google. As the SHORTEST time meets more of these criteria, these conversion-boosting stars are visible across all of the company’s paid ads on Google.

ASAP’s reputation is also highly visible in Google’s organic search results, with its business profile and Trustpilot rating appearing on the first page of Google when searching for ‘asap’ or ‘’. The search terms “faster reviews”, “faster ratings” and “faster experiences” even rank the business profile page at the top of the list on Google.


Trustpilot reviews are managed and monitored across the company to optimize internal processes and gain new insights. ASAP does this by tagging its reviews based on relevant topics. This allows ASAP to sort, categorize and analyze its reviews in a targeted and organized way. The tagging possibilities are endless and reviews can be tagged both manually and automatically:

  • Industry: Since ASAP operates in multiple industries, it tags its reviews by industry. In this way, it can gather valuable insights and identify needs and opportunities in a particular market. Tagged reviews also appear on relevant landing pages. For example, on the Jobs for Drivers page, you’ll only see reviews that contain the tag “driver”.

  • Language: ASAP also tags reviews by language so that both French-speaking visitors from Wallonia and Dutch-speaking Belgians from Flanders see reviews in their native language.

  • Location: By tagging reviews by location, ASAP is able to track performance and limit processes by office.

A look at ASAP's international character: the agency responds in French, English and Dutch

A look at ASAP’s international character: the agency responds in French, English and Dutch

ASAP has many benefits from collecting and displaying Trustpilot reviews. By building and demonstrating trust, the employment agency has found an effective way to differentiate itself from competitors in an industry where trust is essential to standing out.

ASAP and Trustpilot

The above results are exceptional, but by no means unusual. If you want to know if Trustpilot is also the ultimate review solution for your business and how you can boost your traffic and conversion rate like ASAP, request a free demo below.

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