How to use Staysure to build trust – Trustpilot Business Blog

“It’s worth doing right”: better to do things right. This is the ethical foundation that has enabled travel insurance company to build lasting relationships with over 3 million customers over the past 10 years.

The trust that Staysure has built with them over time is reflected in the more than 30,000 five-star reviews received on Trustpilot, more than any other travel insurance provider.

With thousands of new reviews every month, this award-winning company specializing in over 50 travelers insurance now applies innovative methods to better analyze reviews and fully understand customer needs. For this, it relied on artificial intelligence.

To better understand the thinking and opinions of its users, the Northampton, England-based company has taken an innovative approach to solving problems faced by its customers. The brand imported AI-based data from Trustpilot’s Review Insights tool into its corporate innovation labs, which identify themes and customer sentiment in each review.

Although Trustpilot data is a recent addition, the Staysure workshops have already produced great results thanks to the participation of different teams who have generated many new ideas to solve the problems that have arisen. Thanks to the new Trustpilot tool, the company is able to include the collected data in its reports, which allows it to identify the difficulties that customers face most often, so that their resolution can be prioritized.

“The topics identified with Trustpilot are discussed between the different teams during our meetings and are often the right opportunity to generate many new ideas and suggestions.”

Ellie Newstead

Customer Success Analyst at

Trust is a key driver of Staysure’s business. The company specializes in offering personalized insurance to travelers over the age of 50, who often have health problems or medical conditions that limit their travel experience.

For this particular group of customers, it is very important to feel safe when they are away from home. In case of illness or injury, medical expenses in a foreign country can be very high. For this reason, it is essential that you can safely rely on a travel insurance provider that can guarantee a good service.

To earn this trust, Staysure listens carefully to the needs of its customers and tailors the insurance to their needs. But with more than 50,000 reviews received and more than 3 million insured customers, understanding exactly what they need and what would make them most satisfied can become extremely complex.

Staysure leverages trust throughout the user journey

Like any other brand that sees its customer base grow month-on-month, Staysure has also started noticing some large-scale emerging trends. But filtering the information and gaining useful insights about what actions are best to take takes time and energy. One way to reduce the team’s workload is to take advantage of an artificial intelligence tool capable of detecting trends, themes and sentiments almost instantly.

“During monthly meetings, we are now able to provide stakeholders with a snapshot of what’s going well and not so well and highlight the most relevant pain points through the use of customer sentiment insights”

Ellie Newstead

Customer Success Analyst at

As part of Staysure’s Customer Experience Team, Ellie used Trustpilot’s Review Insights tool to identify relevant issues based on customer sentiment and prioritize complaints that needed immediate attention. This approach helped the company identify “discount” as an issue to consider.

“One of the most common themes that came up was ‘discount’, so we started looking deeper into what our customers were saying. We noticed that people had concerns about our discounts that they thought were misleading and unclear. So we we also collected feedback on this topic through website discussion, customer phone calls and voice surveys and presented the topic to our marketing team.At that time we also suggested some ideas on how to advertise our sales more transparently, for example displaying them in banner ads , rather than at the bottom of the page next to the Terms and Conditions. These are small changes that can really make a difference in the long run.”

Ellie Newstead

Customer Success Analyst at

The instrument Check the information made it possible to analyze sentiment at scale, allowing companies to learn from their customers and be aware of changes in their expectations and level of satisfaction.

The sentiment analysis of thousands of reviews is powered by artificial intelligence, a proprietary machine learning algorithm that has currently analyzed over 31 million reviews on Trustpilot and identified 45 million themes and sentiments within them.

“Businesses collect thousands of reviews, and we want to make sure it’s easy – if not almost instant – to understand their customers, spot trends and take concrete actions to improve their business.”

Christian Schou

Product Manager for Review Insights on Trustpilot

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