January detox: seasonal fruits and vegetables to choose from

Seasonal fruits and vegetables in January: here’s which to choose to detox and lose a few pounds after the holidays.

After Christmas holidaysJanuary represents the ideal month for post-dinner detox and recovery. Here, below, are the fruits and vegetables you should buy this season to purify and retrace your steps, after the “insults” cooking by Christmas And New Year. That way, you’ll be able to detox your body from the excesses and then get back in shape and face the rest of the year in the best possible way.

Fruits and vegetables, the health benefits

Eating fruits and vegetables is important for adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle. These foods, rich in essential nutrientsthey offer many health benefits that go beyond simple nutrition.

Both fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals, among which we can mention vitamin C, potassium, folate and vitamin A.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables – Wineandfoodtour.it

To these are also added Dietary fiber, which stimulate digestion and reduce the risk of heart disease. Not only that: these foods also help you manage your weight better.

Antioxidants against chronic diseases

They are also rich in antioxidants – including flavonoids and carotenoids – which fight free radical damage, reducing the risk chronic diseases.

At this point, it is important to know how to choose fruits and vegetables in January in order to start a healthy detox period to prepare the body to face the rest of the winter months.

Seasonal vegetables in January: foods for detoxification

January It’s the perfect month to detox. The vegetables you can buy this month, in fact, are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber and are, in fact, ideal for those who want to purify themselves and lose weight.

To implement your detox journey, you can consider beets, Swiss chard, broccoli, artichokes, cardoons, endive, lettuce. potatoes, leeks.

To these we can add others among which we can mention radish, celery, spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkins, carrots, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, savoy cabbage, chicory, turnips, onions and fennel.

These vegetables are great for cooking light and nutritious recipes, perfect for a post-holiday diet. Among them, we can include salad, fresh vegetables, soups And soups with mixed vegetables.

Seasonal fruits in January: the best picks

January fruits, apart from being an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, are also a fundamental element for practicing a balanced diet.

Among the fruits to consider for detoxification are orangespersimmons, lemons, clementines, kiwis, lemons, tangerines, tangerines, apples, pears, grapefruit.


Seasonal fruits – Wineandfoodtour.it

Fresh fruits, smoothies, centrifuged foods are the foods to incorporate these nutrients into your daily diet, since they offer many health benefits, in a selection of flavors and tastes that adapt to every palate.

Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, allows the body to receive a optimal intake of essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Not only that: these seasonal products ultimately contribute to better health digestion and hydration of the body.

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