Miso soup: history and recipe of Japanese soup

The original name of miso soup is misoshiru, and it is a typical dish of Japanese cuisine. Considered an elixir of longevity, it has many beneficial properties and its preparation is very simple.

The story of miso soup

There Hate soup it is nothing but one vegetable stock to which miso is added at the end of cooking. We often see people consuming this soup in Japanese cartoons, but have you ever wondered what miso really is? It is a little-known product in our parts, but for a few years now it has been spreading in our country thanks to the wonderful property. It comes in the form of white squares and is his fruit processing of soybeans and other cereals (wheat, millet, barley, rice). These undergo cooking and then fermentation through the introduction of a mushroom (Aspargillus oryzae).

Japanese soup

Japanese soup-wineandfoodtour.it

The recipe for the dish is an integral part of the Asian tradition. Even if we don’t know real history origin we know that his name appears for the first time in 901 AD in a Japanese historical text. In reality, however, this preparation already existed China for a long time, but it got different names based on the raw material used for its production. So we can say that the ‘miso’ variant as we know it today is the first version made in Japan.

Today, however, miso is also readily available in freeze-dried or dried versions, so we can easily buy it to make this well-known soup.

Recipe for miso soup


  • 1 cutting board

  • 1 pot with lid

  • 1 spoon

  • 4 cups

  • 1 grater


  • 1 Lt chute
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cabbage
  • 2 onions
  • 4 from Wakame seaweed
  • 1 piece ginger
  • 4 teaspoons miso


  • Let’s start by washing all the vegetables.

  • Then cut the cabbage into thin slices.

  • Continue peeling and slicing the carrots.

  • Finally, cut the onion into thin slices.

  • Put all the vegetables in a pot and add the water.

  • Cook for 20 minutes with a lid on.

  • Then we take a spoonful of broth per portion and pour it into the mugs.

  • At this point we insert 1 teaspoon of miso into each cup.

  • And finally, rub some ginger on each portion.

  • We enjoy it warm and away from meals.

  • Good appetite.


Vegetables can be substituted with others for flavor based on personal taste.

Beneficial properties

This very simple to make broth is low in calories and promotes the right intestinal function. This is possible thanks to the probiotics that the body develops thanks to miso. Another important aspect is that miso is rich in protein and even if it contains salt it is not excessive and therefore does not cause problems unless abused.

So all that’s left is to try making this soup to take full advantage of its ingredients.

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