The future of the employee experience is in the hands of those who know how to be autonomous

There new “work from anywhere” culture. It involves setting up computers on beaches, in remote rural locations, in short, everywhere. Unfortunately, the road is not always easy for all departments.

People have been busy with technology since the start of the pandemic, especially those working behind the scenes in HR and IT. In this new global transition to virtuality, requests for help are increasingtroubleshooting procedures, computer errors and other emergencies.

Help staff resolve issues themselves with a self-service help desk

How are your teams doing? When HR and IT departments need to intervene everywhere at once, the solution is to put everything in the hands of employees.

Think about the last time you had a quick question about a technology-related topic. Maybe it was “How many vacation days do I have left this year?” or “Who should I contact to resolve VPN network issues?” Simple questions like these are answered without sending an email. Instead, IT and HR leaders can support their staff through:

  • Central knowledge search
  • Chatbots
  • Priority help requests
  • Dynamic and personalized content

When employees are able to solve problems on their own, their leaders have time to focus on more complex solutions. In 2020, the most important business initiative for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) was to increase operational efficiency. One way to achieve this is automate complex processes with a library of ready-made solutions. This helps avoid bottlenecks in HR and IT departments and allows the entire company to operate more efficiently. This not only increases business productivity, but the 62% of technology leaders also see it as a benefit to the overall employee experience.

The best employee experience tools drive efficiency and results

The help desk is a central place where employees can search for answers on their own. They are automatically guided to the conclusions they need for any question, from boarding to ‘Can I insure my pets?’

We at Salesforce have created an internal help desk called the Concierge. Since employees were able to find the answers in the Concierge, iIT logged 40% fewer cases and increased response times by 41%. This success led us to think: How can we recreate this level of support for our customers? How can we demonstrate our relative worth? customer success and share these proven tools? And so Employee Concierge was born. A bit like the “concierge service” that delivers coffee right to your door, a help desk that looks for answers across all digital departments allows teams to have every piece of information at their fingertips.

The digital experience of employees must be multi-dimensional

If, for any reason, the employee cannot find an answer using this central search, Artificial intelligence (AI) can help. The best help desks have a built-in chatbot ready to step in if the employee needs further assistance.

They also provide personalized help when it comes to answering frequently asked questions or direct people to a relevant channel to complete a request. Chatbots are customized with language that fits your company’s tone and tone, so employees will feel like they’re getting help from a helpful colleague. AND as if someone from the IT department was sitting right next to themguiding them through real-time responses based on their dynamic feedback and reactions.

Prioritize requests to better manage the employee experience

Once employees explore the options provided by help desks and chatbots, they can turn to IT teams for 1-on-1 support. There will always be answers that only IT can provide, but at this point most questions have been filtered out through employee self-service.

When an employee can no longer seek a solution on his own, Effective help desks always include an option to contact IT support. Across the country, departments have been overwhelmed with requests since the start of the pandemic, meaning prioritization is essential to make the best use of time. If the help desk includes a standard method for categorizing requests, it can automate workflow and reduce the burden on IT departments to streamline requests as efficiently as possible. In this way, you multiply the scope of your work, allowing teams to do more with less effort.

Also, for the Human Resources department there are situations in which an employee can solve his problems only by talking to another natural person. But if department experts can use productivity tools, built-in AI resources and insights from a dedicated console to search for answers, technology and people can work together to achieve results.

Having the right integrated tools like those available at can double your ability, as a company, to be in many places at once. The changing demands of the digital environment result in equally changing demands and technologiestherefore allowing employees to solve their problems in the best way is the first step to long-term success.

Help employees perform better every day

Empower your people to succeed with employee experience tools for every need.


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