The world of digital work is introduced with Salesforce

Let’s mark this date: September 29, 2022!

But why is this day so important? Simply because it can represent the professional turning point for many girls and boys looking for a job in the digital world.

On that day, for the first time it will be held in Italy Trailblazer Connect Career Faira virtual event where you can get advice and guidance on one of the professions most in demand by companies: Salesforce Admin and Salesforce Developer.

But let’s go in order. Salesforce is a software company, a leader in CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Analysis firm IDC estimates that the Italian job market will need 36,000 people with Salesforce skills by 2026. Being a Salesforce expert doesn’t necessarily require a science degree, our technology does low code so that it can be managed by anyone with a little familiarity with IT tools.

There Trailblazer Connect Career Fair is a unique opportunity because it gives registrants the opportunity to get in touch with the entire Salesforce ecosystem consisting of client companies and partner companies, that is, future employers who attend the event precisely because they want to meet people for training and then hiring. During the event you will be able to listen to experts on how to build a career path, get advice from those who have just entered the ecosystem and therefore become role models, meet HR managers but above all come in contact with those looking for people for training and recruitment.

That’s why September 29th is an important day, for many it could be a turning point! Registration is open until September 10th, hurry!

Lisa Greggs

Lisa Gregis is a Partner, Education and Community Specialist. Specialist in digital education, supports the Italian Salesforce Ecosystem in the creation of new talents. Through the creation of training programs, it facilitates access to the best professional opportunities for young people and job seekers, thus contributing to the digital transformation of the Italian economic fabric.

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