Thrift Books doubles revenue. Take a page from their book. – Trustpilot Business Blog

Leverage reviews from past customers to build trust with future customers and grow their business.

Build online reputation

In recent years, Thrift Books has noticed a clear trend emerging in its outlook. Increasingly, candidates would question their company’s reputation before purchasing. Thrift Books decided that the most effective way for prospects to learn about their brand is to make reviews from all of their customers (not just happy ones) visible and easy to find. Since Trustpilot is the only review community that publicly publishes all authentic customer experiences, Thrift Books found them the perfect partner to build their online reputation.

Trustpilot’s solution helped Thrift Books gain 18,000 customer reviews faster than they ever expected. This high volume of reviews confirms that Thrift Books is the clear leader in the used textbook space. They also make it much easier to find Thrift books online.

Most importantly, 95% of their reviews are 4 and 5 stars – Thrift Books customers love them.

Drive more web traffic

Thrift Books leveraged reviews collected through Trustpilot in paid search, SEO campaigns and on their own website. This, along with other marketing efforts, resulted in a dramatic increase in traffic, conversions and revenue.

Prior to working with Trustpilot, the website’s overall traffic increased by 60% due to months of hiking SEO and digital ad spend. After starting the process of collecting reviews with Trustpilot, they saw a 125% increase in traffic. Revenue growth followed suit, rising 180% year-on-year in the months following their partnership with Trustpilot, compared to an 80% year-on-year gain prior to its rollout.


Improve Customer Service

Thrift Books also uses Trustpilot’s review analytics to identify and resolve customer service issues more quickly. Thrift Books is able to track things like the status of the book being shipped and how long the shipment is taking in real time, so mistakes are quickly addressed and can save unhappy customers.

Trustpilot also provided Thrift Books with a trusted source of customer feedback to drive business optimization. Before working with Trustpilot, Thrift Books would listen to customer feedback for a variety of reasons or discover customer feedback written across multiple online channels. Now, by asking all customers to review them on Trustpilot, feedback is aggregated so they can identify and analyze trends among their customers to improve their site, offer and business.

By proactively asking our customers about their experiences, we find things that could have been problems if we hadn’t been paying attention. Looking at review data really helps us spot any trends in our business that we might not otherwise be aware of.

Matt Sand, Vice President of Marketing

Since partnering with Trustpilot, Thrift Books has dramatically increased customer acquisition rates, increased revenue and improved customer satisfaction rates. Perhaps the biggest benefit of Trustpilot’s work has been the impact customer reviews have had on employee morale.

See the article “Give Your Two Cents” in the American Marketing Association’s Marketing News magazine for more information on Thrift Book’s review strategy and success with Trustpilot.

“I didn’t expect when we started with Trustpilot the positive impact it was going to have on our customer service team. They work every day with customers who aren’t necessarily happy with our work. We can see the overwhelming positive response we’ve had for our website validates really the work they do.”

Matt Sand, Vice President of Marketing

Start promoting your reputation today

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