Vaillant Group Italia transforms the company into a humane society

Ethics, the environment, development, the power of differences, the value of each person. These are the five pillars on which Vaillant Group Italia’s “Human Society” is based. Growing, respecting, imagining, pondering, reflecting, knowing, understanding, listening, the eight actions through which it is formed.

An approach that places people at the center of the corporate framework and which, based on their needs, specificities, ambitions, designs development paths aligned and functional with the development of the business. He is its supporter and spokesperson Gerardo Magri, CEO of Vaillant Group Italia. With him and Deborah Maya, Country HR Managerlet’s learn what it means to go from intentions to facts.

Caring for a better climate…and not only that

To really understand the power of this corporate philosophy and how truly it is felt and rooted in Vaillant Group Italia, it is necessary to take a step back, or rather ideally move to the Vaillant Group headquarters in Germany. There the company’s vision found its composition in the words “Caring for a better climate. Inside every home and the world around it“. Not just a mission but also an invitation every day for people over 17,000 employees spread over 20 countries to take care of the climate, inside and outside the houses, as well as inside and outside the company itself, giving the word “climate” a broader meaning that extends to the concept of organizational well-being. As a symbol: a beacon, illuminating all choices. The values ​​on which it is based: the courage to assume one’s responsibilities, the passion in every action, the integrity of one’s word.

From this humus, therefore, in a natural but not obvious way, the “human” approach of the Vaillant Group Italia (commercial branch of the group opened in 1960) comes to life, which wanted to go further and put its own spin. alongside the values ​​of the team development course and personal values. A journey of years in which, step by step, he learned in the field how to take care of people.

“For nine years, starting in 2015, we have been pursuing a philosophy that puts the individual at the center, important things, even intangible but at the same time concrete events, such as the behavior of talking to each other, reflection, reflection, making a pause – says Gherardo Magri -. We do it with persistence, consistency, giving ourselves first of all The example. This path allowed us to become a “human company”. And its natural evolution was the work Human Society, which has become a model from which other companies of the Group, as well as outside, can draw inspiration. We have written a Manifesto where our five pillars can be seen: ethics, the environment, sustainable development, the power of difference (i.e. inclusion) and ultimately the value of each individual. Because we believe that community is very important, but each individual deserves first and foremost as such.”

Who is who

Gerardo Magri

CEO of Vaillant Group Italia

Gerardo Magri

From GDP to FIL

The final chapter, still being written, of Vaillant Group Italia’s Human Society has a title that alone reveals all the power of this human approach and where it can go: “From GDP to FIL”, or “from gross domestic product to gross domestic happiness.” Certainly a topical issue, at a time when after the Great Resignation (which has not yet been overcome), the latest trend seems to be that of Great gloomor a Great Depression permeating workers who are increasingly disaffected and disengaged from the organization.

“Talking about happiness in companies today is considered very dangerous – explains Debora Maja -, the tendency is to separate private and professional life in sealed compartments. Although, in fact, the experience of Smart Working has somewhat blurred the boundaries between the two areas, the collaboration channel between private and professional ends at a certain point. However, being able to talk specifically about happiness with our partners is legitimizing human company, acknowledging our commitment to caring for the environment in which we work.

For if we cannot affect the entire happiness of a person, we can certainly prepare a whole series of conditions that allow happiness to occur. In practice this meant, for example, transform our offices in a comfortable, technologically advanced environment that facilitates formal or informal collaborations and a different way of working, no longer based simply on pure hierarchy, but on the function to be performed that day. Give all the workers here at headquarters, about 150, the possibility of its utilization Smart work three days a week (permanent from 2024), including fixed Fridays, equipping everyone with the best tools to reproduce – where they intend to work (respecting physical and data security) – the best state of comfort, from the microphone set – headset to the back, ergonomic carrying of the data card. Offer to employees car (strictly full electric) in the pool for any need. Create one internal librarythat is, a space in which one will slow down, in which one will reflect on oneself, what one is doing, where one is going, where one can gain awareness”.

Who is who

Deborah Maya

Country HR Manager of Vaillant Group Italy

Deborah Maya

Diversity and Inclusion, the strategy of Vaillant Group Italia

One of the other key themes at Vaillant Group Italia is that of Diversity and Inclusion, which is not a label at all, but a goal towards which the company tends in all its choices. Debora Maja tells us about it.

“Diversity and inclusion has become a central theme for Vaillant Group Italia, which we pursue in three directions.

The first concerns the education and information, which takes the form of workshops, moments of reflection, calls with the headquarters and the other companies of the Group. Because our diversity is also international. This first directive works to raise awareness around the issue. It is our will introducing diversity in the company not as a liability, but as an added value. We strongly believe that diversity is wealth as it offers many perspectives to overcome obstacles and improve. This brings concrete results in productivity and engagement.

The second directive concerns active policies inside the company that can help an environment become inclusive. It ranges from the language used to training in listening practices to the introduction of the most specific element of inclusion, namely Smart Work. Because, there is no point in hiding it, if we talk about male-female diversity, it is still the woman, the backbone of the family system, who needs to be facilitated more through flexible work models. Results? 27% of women employed, which for a company in a sector like Vaillant’s where a large part of the workforce (3,500 people including interns, help desks, technicians and local people) is in maintenance services is really important, 42% women in the management team, and 15% of female managers. The intention, of course, is to improve over time.

The third directive concerns responsibility in the nearest context, i.e. the social responsibility that Vaillant Group Italia feels it has in the field. This is implemented in various partnerships we have undertaken with structures that aim to welcome people who come from situations of violence and serious hardship, marginalized precisely because they are a minority.

The educational program for acquiring a global mindset

Training and career development are another fundamental element in the HR strategies of Vaillant Italia and the Group in general.

In this context, for example, theInternational Master’s Program “SustainabiliTeam” dedicated to new graduates. It is a two-year process that includes four phases of six months each. The first three take place in the country of origin of the job, allowing participants to gain in-depth knowledge of the company’s entire value chain. The fourth stage includes work experience abroad in one of the Group’s offices, with the aim of developing specific skills and promoting a global and collaborative mindset. Vaillant Group Italia will also soon host a young graduate in the Marketing and Communication department.

Regarding the training designed for all employees, just look at the numbers to understand Vaillant Group Italia’s commitment: 3,476 hours are provided in 2022 (not including the on the job mode). This means three days of average training per year for each employee with 100% of the company’s population participating. A commitment that has never seen a setback, not even during the pandemic emergency years when the 2,000 hours were still completed.

Technology to support HR

It seems clear how complex the work of Vaillant Group Italia’s HR department can be on a daily basis. However, technology exists to support experts. Software for home Zucchetti Infinityon payroll and attendance management, Z-Carfleet And Z-Travel to manage the company’s fleet and expense reports. Employee records run in SAP and with SAP SuccessFactor the whole world of potential performance, targets and international calibration is under management.

“We are now looking at moving from the HCM version to the AI-enhanced HXM version of SAP. We would like to apply artificial intelligence in those areas where the algorithm saves time that can be used in more valuable activities, for example, creating all the job descriptions. However, we do not intend to use artificial intelligence in the selection of CVs”, explains Debora Maja, who also mentions two other Digital HR software used in the group and also arriving for the Italian division: Pulse and Apical.

Pulse is research software capable of analyzing sentiment (it’s actually called “sentimental analysis”). Appical, on the other hand, will revolutionize the company’s on-boarding process by offering new candidates an engaging virtual experience. The app allows prospective employees to virtually explore the workplace, access relevant documents and connect via chat with a friend. This tool bridges the gap between accepting a job offer and actually joining the company, improving the new employee experience.

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