Why customer feedback is essential to Instantprint’s growth – Trustpilot Business Blog

Do you know who holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest business card?

The answer would be Instantprint, a printing company based in South Yorkshire, England.

Instantprint serves a wide range of customers, from small village shops to large international brands. Thanks to continuous investment in the latest printing technology, instantprint is able to quickly and cheaply print any order size, all at the highest quality.

However, while instantprint and its customers knew their quality, prospective customers?

The only way to find out was to open the customer reviews. Now, after collecting reviews from previous customers, instantprint has a reputation to shout about.

Since signing up to Trustpilot in early 2015, instantprint has:

“Joining Trustpilot was an easy choice,” says James Kinsella, one of the founding Directors of instantprint. “Everyone knows who Trustpilot is and what they do, so it seemed silly not to be a part of it.”

The challengers in the instantprint industry are vast, with a number of online competitors as well as smaller printers offering similar services directly to established industry players.

“For us, we saw that if we were going to compete in the market, Trustpilot customer reviews are an essential part of any online retailer’s toolbox,” says James.

“They are a key part of the customer’s decision-making process and ultimately their purchase journey. If you’re not online and someone else is, you’re going to get beat up.”

By looking at trends in reviews and common themes, effective steps can be taken as a business grows. It’s something that instant printing has experienced.

“We definitely see our products and services being shaped by customer feedback,” says James.

“Print is a very versatile product that people often want to see and feel before they buy to help them judge quality for themselves. By receiving feedback on our products, we are able to provide potential customers with the quality assurance they need to buy from us.”

And negative reviews are not ignored either.

“You have to not be afraid of negative feedback,” says James. “It’s certainly not great to read, but it can give you valuable information to prevent repeating mistakes.

“Our head of Customer Service monitors negative feedback and responds to all. Sometimes when someone is negative, it’s the first time the negative issue has come up, so we investigate and follow up with the customer.”

With 100,000 square feet of office space and 250 staff members (and counting), instantprint knows that keeping their company connected to their customers is key to a healthy work environment.

“Feedback helps boost staff morale and is an easy way to show our staff the impact they have on customers, which is important in such a broad market where trust is key.”

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