Why public administrations must become digital

The changes brought about by the pandemic

Like a violent earthquake, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit and radically changed every aspect of our lives. The way we relate to each other has changed, the economic and social dynamics have changed, and security has become the number one priority.

During the pandemic, companies have had to adapt to the “new normal” that emerges every month. The transition to an approach digital-first And customer-centric It was necessary to survive in a deeply disrupted and undeniably volatile market. Customers expect to be able to buy and interact online very quickly, and brands that can meet these needs are the ones that succeed.

As in the private sector, the public sector was also faced with an unexpected revolution for which it was not prepared. Traditional work routines, often complex and entrenched, have proven insufficient in many cases, and public service leaders have quickly realized that digital transformation and a shift to a hybrid work model are essential elements to make employees productive and serve effectively. the citizens.

The difficulties (and opportunities) of public administration

Due to complex procurement and budget approval systems, public administration is characterized by legacy systems which are unable to optimally satisfy the demands and needs of the citizens. Different offices and departments often do not communicate effectively with each other, resulting in watertight compartments, especially when it comes to data.

In the fourth edition of the report “Status of the Connected Client created by Salesforce based on research conducted on more than 15,000 consumers and buyers worldwide, it is clear that Most consumers attach great importance to digital initiativesi, which appears to be one of the key factors in assessing the credibility of a company or public body.

If digitization represents a great opportunity for public administration, it is also true that in Italy there is still a long way to go. This is shown by the results of a survey conducted by Salesforce in collaboration with the FPA: if 60% of central administrations seem to have implemented a more or less complex system of digital management of relations with citizens, in the health sector the percentage drops to just 40%.

The public administrations that have already committed to the digital-first (and those who have accelerated during the pandemic) have achieved significant advantages, both in terms of cost efficiency and flexibility. Operations are streamlined, employees are more satisfied and motivated, citizens have greater confidence in the public sector.

A CRM system for public administration

Ultimately, two things seem clear: the first is that citizens expect increasingly flexible, connected and meaningful experiences, and the second is that existing systems are no longer adequate.

Public administration budgets should be focused on CRM systems that are already widely used in the private sector. Only in this way can public services and institutions quickly adapt to changes, future-proof their processes, promote innovation and have a clearer and more complete view of citizens, partners, stakeholders and so on henceforth.

Updating such complex systems is not a simple task. That is why it is important to choose a reliable company like Salesforce, which offers numerous digital solutions for a modern and efficient public administration. Like the government, Salesforce values ​​trust, data protection and equality.

The importance of transparency and equality

In the post-COVID-19 world, citizens have an even greater need to know that governments and public administrations are institutions of trust, able to help and support them. According to the report “Public Integrity and Trust in Europe”, Citizens want to be able to have the utmost confidence in the public sector, especially when it comes to personal databut they often believe that governments are not transparent enough and that policies are inadequate and unfair.

Today more than ever, Equality is a topic high on the priority list of governments and associations. Public administrations have a duty to take into account and satisfy the needs of all groups of citizens and at the same time have the power to promote radical changes in society.

Analyzing the statistics, and according to what the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies reports, we see that the situation in Italy is anything but rosy: Women’s participation in the labor market is still very low and wage gaps compared to men are still strong. Therefore, public administrations must monitor, support and promote equal opportunities, and to do so they need modern digital tools that allow them to extract useful and specific information from the myriad of data generated every day.

A health success story

The Trento Provincial Society of Health Services (APSS) had set out to bring public health care into patients’ homes, thereby creating a care service that was widespread throughout the territory and easily accessible. Thanks to the solutions available from Salesforce, he succeeded and made the home care service more organized and efficient for more than 20,000 users. You can read the APSS success story here.

Through the @Home platform, all healthcare professionals can offer personalized assistance in patients’ homes by accessing a specially created mobile application that includes all the useful data. The platform also allows you to organize staff and gives patients the opportunity to access their own data and the data of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers.

It is precisely transparency, 360-degree visibility and continuity that make this digital transformation project a real success.

In conclusion, It is clear that technology can give public administrations the necessary overview to better serve partners, suppliers and citizensand begins a transformation increasingly aimed at innovation and efficiency.

Learn more about Salesforce digital solutions for governments and read other success stories

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